Mid-Autumn Festival Yacht Event-Overseas Influencer Gala
Mid-Autumn Festival Yacht Event
Overseas Influencer Gala
Date and time
Sun, September 19, 2021
6:00 PM – 11:00 PM EDT
Pier 40 at Hudson River Park
353 West Street,
New York, NY 10014, United States
Refund policy
No Refunds
Welcome to join our Mid-Autumn Festival Yacht Event —Overseas Influencer Gala 2021! [Vaccines required ]
About this event
OSSC is welcoming all to join our Mid-Autumn Festival Yacht Event —”Overseas Influencer Gala” in the year 2021!
-The event theme is PREPPY STYLE.
-Break up the work week and enjoy the fall evenings on a luxury and beautiful cruise. -Join us as we open our doors and set up a luxury cruise to enter our TOP 100 DJ party, -The best instagrammable spots, party games and raffle giveaway. Stroll through each instagrammable spot where you can take the best photos.
-Access a full bar where cocktails can be purchased, while enjoying the amazing New York skyline, sunsets, and great EDM music.



Enjoy a chill fall night at 13th Overseas Students Mid-Autumn Festival Yacht Event —”Overseas Influencer Gala” for all RSVPs.
All attendees are REQUIRED to RSVP on Eventbrite.
***Customer Service Info***
This event will be occurring as planned. We are closely monitoring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization’s (WHO) statements regarding the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases and following the guidelines from these agencies and the local health departments. If there are any unexpected changes, we will send an email to all ticket buyers. There are no refunds if you miss or decide not to attend.
To provide a safe cruise event due to COVID-19, and following current CDC recommendations, I am setting the following guidelines:
You are welcome to attend if you are fully vaccinated. Proper Vaccine Card or Excelsior Pass REQUIRED. Please complete the COVID-19 Health Screening Form before attend the event : app.crowdpass.co/auth/945
There will be no shared food.
- Boarding will begin at 6:00 PM.
- Cruise will depart at 7:00 PM.
- Cruise will return at 11:00 PM.
- The event theme is PREPPY STYLE.
***Important Reminders***
We are welcoming all to boarding on September 19th, 2021.
All bar services are only for 21+ in our cruise. Proper ID REQUIRED.
Cruises are on rain/shine.
There are NO refunds if you miss the boarding time.
***Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)***
What is the address? Pier 40, 353 West Street, Manhattan, New York 10014.
———-[Click Here for more information. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pier_40]
What is the dress code?
———-[Preppy Style.]
Is there food on the boat?
———-[No, please eat before coming to the event.]
Is there a bar on the boat?
———-[Yes, there are several full bars on the boat.]
What is the ambiance of the event?
———-[The event is the 13th Overseas Students Mid-Autumn Festival Yacht Event —”Overseas Influencer Gala” with DJ music, dancing, party games, drinks, and a lively ambiance. Although there are plenty of seats, there is not seating for everyone.]
What kind of music will be played?
———-[There will be a variety of music including, but not limited to Top 40, Pop, Mainstream, Hip Hop, EDM, Kpop etc.]
Can I bring my own food and drinks?
———-[Absolutely no outside food or beverage is allowed. Bags will be checked.]
If the Event is sold out. How does Standby work?
———-[ There is NO standby option. You must have a booked reservation.]
It’s raining outside. Can I reschedule?
———-[Cruises are on rain / shine and cannot be rescheduled. Please bring a poncho or an umbrella. There is no need to call us to ask if the event is cancelled. We will have an additional announcement if the event gets cancelled.]
I lost my ID. What should I do?
———-[All guests need a government issued ID to board]
欢迎海外留学生参加”留学生网”第13届纽约中秋游轮派对–留学生博主节!打破工作周,在豪华又美丽的游轮上享受秋天的夜晚。欢迎报名加入我们!我们敞开大门为留学生们安排豪华游轮并邀请了百大 DJ 助阵、设置多个拍照打卡点、派对游戏和抽奖活动等活动。漫步在游轮甲板以及内舱里,我们不单单邀请您参与到我们的派对活动中,我们也邀请您一起欣赏令人惊叹的纽约天际线、落日和美妙的 DJ 音乐。
在第13届”留学生网”第13届纽约中秋游轮派对–留学生博主节中享受一个休闲快乐的秋夜,所有报名者都可以参加。所有参与者都必须在 Eventbrite 上报名。
***** 客户服务信息 *****
本次活动将按计划进行。我们正在密切关注疾病控制与预防中心 (CDC) 和世界卫生组织 (WHO) 关于 2019 年冠状病毒病 (COVID-19) 病例的声明,并遵循这些机构和当地卫生部门的指导方针。如果有任何意外的变化,我们会向所有购票者发送电子邮件。如果您错过或决定不参加,恕不退款。
由于 COVID-19,为了提供安全的游轮活动,并遵循当前的 CDC 建议,我们制定了以下准则:
如果您已完全接种疫苗,欢迎您参加。需要提供正确的官方疫苗卡或者Excelsior Pass。请在参加活动之前填写完成以下表格:app.crowdpass.co/auth/945
- 登机将于晚上 6:00 开始。
- 游轮将于晚上 7:00 出发。
- 游轮 将于晚上 11:00 返回。
- 活动主题为复古学院风。
***** 重要提醒 *****
在我们的游轮中,所有酒吧服务仅适用于 21 岁以上。需要提供正确的 ID信息。
*****常见问题 (FAQ)*****
——-[ Pier 40, 353 West Street, Manhattan, New York 10014。点击这里了解更多信息。 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pier_40]
——-[该活动是”留学生网”第13届纽约中秋游轮派对–留学生博主节,有 DJ 音乐、舞蹈、派对游戏、饮品和热闹的氛围。虽然有很多座位,但不是每个人都有座位。]
——-[将有各种音乐,包括但不限于 Top 40、流行、主流、嘻哈、EDM、Kpop 等。]

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